(608) 352-3349

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Janesville, Wisconsin

A Home For Play

Kids smiling and playing

The Children’s Museum of Rock County (CMRC) has found a home! CMRC is preparing to open its doors in the Janesville Mall. This 4000 sq. ft. space will serve as a fantastic starting place for the growing play center.

Under plans, the museum would be located in a space that formerly housed the Children’s Place store on the north end of the mall’s concourse, near the Ulta store and Chuck-E-Cheeses restaurant.

Neil Johnson, Janesville Gazette

CMRC is gearing up for a capital campaign project. The newly acquired space needs extensive renovation, and the creation of exhibits to fit the space. The CMRC Board is excited to have the opportunity to work with the community to gather the necessary funds to achieve its goals of providing a safe space to play, learn and grow.

If you would like to partner with CMRC, please follow this link to find out how!


Recent News

Look who’s on TV!

The Children’s Museum of Rock County (CMRC) has partnered with The Sterling North Society in Edgerton, WI to host “Where’s Rascal?”, a

Throw a Party for CMRC!

You can designate the Children’s Museum of Rock County (CMRC) as the beneficiary for your next Facebook Birthday Fundraiser. All money raised

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