(608) 352-3349

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Janesville, Wisconsin

Happy New Year!

new year

From everyone at CMRC, we’d like to wish you a Happy New Year, and say thank you for your loyalty and faith in us. May all of your resolutions become reality this year!

2019 was a big year for CMRC. We secured a location at the Janesville Mall, launched our website, created and formalized a plan of action for the future of CMRC, and brought on new board members who have shaken things up. Moving forward, the Board will finalize a capital campaign project, work to secure donations from community leaders, and continue to move forward on blueprint finalization of our space.

As we begin this new year in this new decade, we are encouraged and motivated by your support. We look forward to the growth of our partnership with the community. This will be a big year for CMRC, and we cannot wait!

Happy New Year!


Recent News

Look who’s on TV!

The Children’s Museum of Rock County (CMRC) has partnered with The Sterling North Society in Edgerton, WI to host “Where’s Rascal?”, a

Throw a Party for CMRC!

You can designate the Children’s Museum of Rock County (CMRC) as the beneficiary for your next Facebook Birthday Fundraiser. All money raised

Upcoming Events

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