Part of the process in developing a children’s museum, or any business really, requires working with architects and designers to create a unique and modern space. Our goal at CMRC is to provide the community with a fresh new look into the world of play. Even as adults, we should never cease to use our imaginations.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
-George Bernard Shaw
Creating an elaborate, colorful, and inclusive play place is exciting! The BOD (Board of Directors) has chosen to work with Angus-Young Associates in order to help establish a visual for the potential of our mall location. Take a look below to see what we hope to create for the community.
The rendering depicts the break-up of the floor plan for our mall location. Hopefully, you can see the possibilities for floor design and the breakdown of exhibit themes/sections. Current plans include spaces for water play, an indoor jungle gym, infant play space, a sensory room, a maker space, and much more. We hope to offer an art space and a party space too. All of these plans are tentative, however, on the amount of funds the board is able to raise. Our goal is to hopefully open within the next two years, but that means we must raise a significant amount of money in a short period in order to make this happen. This is not an impossible task by any means–it just means we are in need of community partners like you to help us reach our goal.
If you’re as excited about the possibilities as we are, please consider donating to the museum in order to help create a space the community would be proud of. Also, consider subscribing to our quarterly newsletter to receive progress reports on the fundraising and construction of CMRC.
Thank you for your support and generosity!