As we begin a new month under the shelter-in-place order directed by our Governor and President, I’m sure many of us are still trying to wrap our minds around this new temporary norm. I’m sure, for many, it’s difficult to comprehend how we can survive another month of this isolation. Introverts are probably rejoicing, but for most, this can be a worrisome time. It would be easy for us to put on blinders and forget to consider the little people in our lives.
There are some situations we face on a daily basis that can be scary for kids to understand. It’s sometimes imperative to shelter them from certain things of this world until they’re old enough to comprehend some of the larger ideas/themes. However, how do we shelter our kids from being scared or worried when the entire world is thrust into the clutches of a pandemic? As adults, we can usually handle the worry that comes with facing the unprecedented, but what about a child? When all around them, their normal is quickly being stripped away and replaced with a foreign routine, their playtime is being confined (literally), and their planned adventures have been taken away, a child cannot necessarily handle these extreme changes. It’s important to explain these changes in a way that makes sense without adding to the stress of the situation. When you can’t find the words, sometimes it’s easier to look elsewhere.
“A Kids Book About” has created a new publication explaining COVID-19 using the language of a child. Simple and straightforward. We encourage you to check it out and use it. A Kids Book About COVID-19
As you seek new resources for educating, entertaining, and adapting to this temporary transformation of our lives, consider viewing the world as it is now from your child’s perspective. We often forget that they are viewing events around them with a different lens. We should strive to educate our children how to adapt and not add more stress or worry to their minds when the world throws a wrench.
One final thought to leave you with… can be hard not to try to recreate school as your child(ren) is used too, but you shouldn’t. This time is a great opportunity to learn in a new way. Endeavor to teach them something new—cooking, tying their shoe, riding without training wheels, building something new, fixing broken objects, etc.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay positive.